How Much Does Dispensed Cost?

Deciding if Dispensed is right for you? Find out all the important information about our costs here.
Patient Education
February 4, 2025

How Much Does Dispensed Cost

Healthcare doesn’t need to be expensive. At Dispensed, you can speak to a natural-therapy doctor to see if you are eligible for treatment. Forget expensive specialists, referral and ongoing consultation fees, simply get started with a quick questionnaire and begin your health journey today.

Start Up Fees

Dispensed is incredibly affordable with $0 in set up and upfront fees. Unlike other businesses, we do not charge for any initial doctor consultations or application fees, rather you’ll only pay for the on-going treatment you receive if you are approved. Our purpose built platform will also help to guarantee we act as the most affordable in providing therapies to those eligible.

Treatment Costs

The cost of the medication will depend on the patient and their unique treatment needs including condition, frequency and severity of symptoms experienced. However, our subscription costs start from $155 per month, which includes monthly medication, ongoing clinician consultations, express delivery and LiveChat patient support.  You can book as many follow up consultations as you like each month at no extra cost.

You’ll receive personalised treatments express delivered to your door in discreet packaging, maximising both your privacy and convenience. These treatments can be delivered for as long or as little as you like, and be adjusted as necessary with our clinicians.

Ongoing fees

Dispensed’s services are all 100% commitment free, meaning you can pause your treatment at any time. No lock in contracts, just ultimate control of your own health and wellness. You’ll also receive clinician consultations, follow-ups and ongoing healthcare and assessment from our team of health professionals as part of your monthly payment. This ensures you receive guidance throughout the entire process at one simple price billed monthly.

Take the test and discover if you're eligible. We do the rest.

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